~About Us~

Hi all!

My name is Jessica and I'm a blogger for The Lovely Books. I started the blog about three years ago to share my love for books. Reading has been therapeutic in my times of need. Not only have they comforted me, they've taught me a lot. Namely, they've taught me that magic truly lives on in a world that would seem magic-less. Which brings me to this blog! See, on The Lovely Books, I review Young Adult, New Adult, Adult, and everything in between. Except children's books. But times have changed. I'm a mother of two going on three and I'm teaching my children to have a love for books. It didn't hit me to start a book blog that's run primarily by me but will also have my kids input until today. Today I received a picture book from a publisher and I can't tell you how excited I was because I just knew I would be able to share my happiness of that book with my first born, Tyler.

Tyler Dean is four years old and is discovering more and more each day the magic that lives within books. Honestly, I never read to him as much as I would have liked before and I'm ashamed of that. I should have made the time. Luckily, he isn't too disappointed in me for not reading sooner. I look forward to starting this journey with my kids, one of which is a baby (Brooklynn), while the other is still in my tummy (Kinsley). Nevertheless, they'll soon be part of this book journey with both Tyler and me.

Along with books, we enjoy watching TV, playing at the park, and family time.

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